
Showing posts from 2021

The home and the world

Once again after a lull period, Kashmir ,once homeland to all Kashmiris and erstwhile paradise is in the news ,for the fresh surge and revival of terror,macabre serial targeted brutal killing of innocent minorities ,creating a threat to the lives of Hindus living there and forcing them to flee,a grisly revisiting of 1990 ,the rancourness for minorities living there is back and seems we are wading into the mayhem of exodus two. This spate of terror killings,profanous desecration of temples ,people fleeing away , clambering and scrambling frantically to any vehicle they get hold of to reach Jammu brings back nightmarish,ghoulish marrow chilling memories of 19th Jan 90.  It's not humble bragging,but a truth that Kashmiri pandits have been a peaceble,erudite  community,genetically programmed and inclined to evade conflicts,aggresion and violence. There have been caustic and sardonic comment's" you should have stayed back and fought for your identity and homeland,why so much br...

Monsoon Mayhem

The first day of September, it was a lovely day for ducks.,raining in torrents since wee hours. Being a pluveophile,rains instill into me an uncanny quietude and happiness and everything around turns into a soothing paradise. So it was apparently going to be a cheerful drive early morning to my work place.  The pitter - patter of rain ,the splash and slosh of the puddles formed brought a naive and veritable smile on my face. Whole ambience was  teeming with happiness and crackling with exuberance .I  go into a voyage of memories while prominading in my car. In  no time ,I am jolted out of my reverie .The roads getting clogged and chaotic,vehicles turning the roads into a colossal parking lot.In a jiffy, I find myself navigating an unruly,messy and mobbed traffic snarl. I rue the time ,I left my home without checking on the traffic  status because of water logging. The vehicular traffic grows thick and fast,all stranded to a grinding halt. Spiffy,groovy cars chee...

The ugly pandemic

The mayhem of Corona carnage  reminds me of all the books related to world war,holocaust and partition ,that I have read. 'The Book Thief ' is one such book which gave me goose bumps,death is the narrator and devours more and more souls everyday. The vivisection of Partition is another earth shattering event and while reading 'Train to Pakistan' tears rolled on effortlessly till I finished it. Never had we imagined that we would face a similar cataclysm, an invisible enemy bringing down us to knees and leaving us aghast ,watching streams of coffins and macabre of burning pyres. But unlike the past events, the ruthless and callous death picked up people brutally and mercilessly irrespective of age,heath status, gender etc..Precious young lives dropped dead in a jiffy for the want of oxygen and icu beds, gasping and grappling for a breath. Arguably nothing can be more painful for parents outliving their children, watching their buds being crushed before blooming . The hid...