Monsoon Mayhem
The first day of September, it was a lovely day for ducks.,raining in torrents since wee hours. Being a pluveophile,rains instill into me an uncanny quietude and happiness and everything around turns into a soothing paradise. So it was apparently going to be a cheerful drive early morning to my work place. The pitter - patter of rain ,the splash and slosh of the puddles formed brought a naive and veritable smile on my face. Whole ambience was teeming with happiness and crackling with exuberance .I go into a voyage of memories while prominading in my car. In no time ,I am jolted out of my reverie .The roads getting clogged and chaotic,vehicles turning the roads into a colossal parking lot.In a jiffy, I find myself navigating an unruly,messy and mobbed traffic snarl. I rue the time ,I left my home without checking on the traffic status because of water logging. The vehicular traffic grows thick and fast,all stranded to a grinding halt. Spiffy,groovy cars chee...