
Showing posts from October, 2021

The home and the world

Once again after a lull period, Kashmir ,once homeland to all Kashmiris and erstwhile paradise is in the news ,for the fresh surge and revival of terror,macabre serial targeted brutal killing of innocent minorities ,creating a threat to the lives of Hindus living there and forcing them to flee,a grisly revisiting of 1990 ,the rancourness for minorities living there is back and seems we are wading into the mayhem of exodus two. This spate of terror killings,profanous desecration of temples ,people fleeing away , clambering and scrambling frantically to any vehicle they get hold of to reach Jammu brings back nightmarish,ghoulish marrow chilling memories of 19th Jan 90.  It's not humble bragging,but a truth that Kashmiri pandits have been a peaceble,erudite  community,genetically programmed and inclined to evade conflicts,aggresion and violence. There have been caustic and sardonic comment's" you should have stayed back and fought for your identity and homeland,why so much br...