Goddess of drudgery
"मैं मजदूर मुझे देवों की बस्ती से क्या अगणित बार धरा पर मैंने स्वर्ग बनाये। अम्बर में जितने तारे, उतने वर्षों से मेरे पुरखों ने धरती का रूप सँवारा "। For last few days, these lines from the legendary poet Ramdhari Singh Dinkar have been resonating in my mind. The ongoing renovation and construction going on in my residential society left me goggling at the labourers who toil so hard under the spewing fire of the sun and the muggy weather while we are whining and peeving at the hot ,humid sultry weather despite spending maximum time in the lilting hum of airconditioner s. But my cynosure being the frail looking but sturdy women labourers whose power and prowess is at par with the male workers . As the clock chimes nine,a gaggle of petite women looking in their mid twenties assemble at the site..they look phenotypically almost similar,with a dusky - dunny complexion,average height and a sinewy lean built. Howsoever menial and tedious work they do,but their...