
Showing posts from August, 2023

In memory

In memory…. It’s three dreary , long painful years since you left but its not even three short minutes that you are not missed and remembered . Your fine mind, gentle spirit and handsome face is missed at every inch of time! I thought  Before and After  were terms relegated only to history …but my life too oscillates-around the events before You and after You…. Life before you brings the sweet memories of time spent together and life after you brings the wistful longings and pining for memories we would have crafted  and scripted together…if only fates had been a little kinder! I can not let go the memories, can not start over but just moving on …swept and swirled by dark undertows of memories which I hold close to my heart, life is but a jigsaw puzzle with smithreen of memories.. Your grand mien  and endless attributes can only be rivalled by the aura and majesty of nature and all beautiful creations  reek of your sublimity………… I feel you in the bracing gentle ...

Third letter to heaven

It has been three long , painful,dreary years since you left but it is not even three small minutes when you are not missed . Braving the world, which is an entirely different one without you…. It is  still unthinkable and impossible to acclimate to a life without your best friend, loving companion, soulmate.   Losing you is having lost myself in the milling crowd……. With hobbled legs and lurching feet, I have been moving on ,living a life on your behalf too, doing things that would have made you happier,  attiring in outfits you would admire, cooking dishes that would have tingled your palate and hitting roads you would have loved to tread upon.   But all this  is with an aura of false gaiety  and fake  normal semblance….It tugs at my heart strings when I have to use so much of ‘ would have  and could have’ . Wish destiny was not so cruel and brutal to us.   The third year without you embarked with Yagnopavit  function of our ...