Miss you

As I scrolled through the opd register,your last day at work was 18th march 20 and the last patient you attended was " Sher Singh". The name is symbolic of the intrepid and bold warrior that you were,and the courage and grit with which you battled the emperor of maladies. What an uncanny observation. We lost the battle but I shall never lose the cherishing memories,infact find comfort in reminiscing our past days, as the future looks dismal without you.
I may sound a bit self-centred and selfish, as I recollect  and savour your memories because I am reminded of all your attributes which made life easy and comfortable for me. Infact I understand now, how much habituated I was to your presence, how much I counted on you.

I am really abysmal at any subject involving calculations and numericals . Bank matters,income tax, loans, insurance etc are triggers enough to get my goat and get me into frenzy. How sloppy I am at maintaining official documents, in contrary you were so meticulous and methodical in maintaining records. Blindfolded, I can pick any document I require, as you have been so scrupulous in keeping the papers. Your analytical and logical capabilities were gobsmacking. I am not even close to your level of perfection and prudence and I miss you, my Mr perfectionist.
Your dedication and devotion to your profession was relentless. Never seen you refusing any patient at any time of the day. When you were yourself going through so much pain and agony, still you would advise treatment on phone with a veneer of cheerfulness, pulling a cloak on your sufferings. At times this steadfast loyalty towards your profession irked me, because i was paler in comparison. But would enjoy the honour and applaud people showered on you . As a gynaecologist i never  taxed my brains for any medical problems of my patients ,as you were there at the drop of the hat . All ecg,xray and medical problems of my patients were attended to at the snap of a finger, Missing that unwavering,resolute,brainy physician of mine.

You had a fine eye for everything, so I hardly required any one to accompany me in any humdrum or a remarkable shopping. I had galore of confidence in you.I always found myself wishy - washy and indecisive. Banked on you for that final "Yes". Trying on any outfit, once out of trial room,your click of tongue or nod would approve it.Wistfully remembering the occasional sneer and smirk when the dress would be to tight and my prodigious flesh popping out. You never commented on my generous proportions, but abandoned the dress on some other pretext. You could never hurl harsh comments on anyone. I miss you, my true Gentleman!!!

I loved wearing ornaments and you adored purchasing it. I was swayed by the shiny rich glowing jewels,but you inquired fastidiously on the design, strength, making, purity, certification, cost per gram, buy back details and other nuances. The gold smiths were left dazed and stunned at the intricacies you went into. For me it was a gruelling task, but you didn't budge and deal was struck as per your conditions. Shall miss you always ,my trustworthy companion!!!

Though a physician by profession,but you were a man of contraptions and an architect by passion. Your artistic fingers would weave magic on papers, in a jiffy you could sketch out a lay out for a beautiful house. You were so adept in drawing lines, be it drawing practical diagrams for kids, or a design for friends or a relatives house. You carried an air of technical expertise. I am reminsced of the good old days, when we were building our house of dreams. You put your heart and soul in it. Your protacted and endless discussions with our architects left them goggling at your knowledge of architecture and saw a formidable client in you. You undertook every minute thing  painstakingly and perfectly,procured the material after meticulous research. 
You were never a pushover,finalised everything after your analytical and detail oriented self was satisfied. The sprawling grandeur of our house testifies the worth of its owner. Missing that fine artist of mine!!!

Your knowledge, talent and skill about any subject was awe inspiring and was a magnificent sight for the most cynical eyes as well. You never did anything in impulse. Even a minor activity was performed with a forethought. For purchasing a mere wooden book case or a minor furniture item,would dredge out your knowledge of wood, it's texture, seasoning, durability and quality. This prowess of yours was amazing and I was left devoid of any worries, though at times was a tad badgered for dwelling  in too much for petty things. But your staggering perfectionism was always admirable . Missing my patient, perfect and prudent partner!!!

You wore perfection on your sleeves and carried a sparkle of intelligence in your eyes. Enchanted by your awareness about any subject under the sun be it topic of medicine,sports,politics,geography,wild life,fashion,religion,No conversation was intellectually challenging for you.you could adroitly steer the conversation towards any topic and left all dumbfounded. Missing my assistant in solving puzzles and cross words!!!

You always conceded to my requests of accompanying me anywhere I wanted,for forced evening walks in sultry summers,for buying my ornamental plants from the mosquito infested plant nursery,my buying trinkets
from Sarojini Nagar,Delhi Haat, window shopping in CP, though I knew all this was  quite crabby and rankling for you but you never showed up any wrath or displeasure. Infact don't remember a single moment when you scowled and glowered at my frivolous shopping..Miss you my companion for a cheery hour!!!

My endless and long hours at the book shops in Khan market , as I was left mesmerised as I entered the one,and forgot that you were waiting in the car ,never made you grouchy or  miffed. Though to slacken your nerves I always purchased a car magazine for you. As the car guy you were,name a car and you could rattle on its merits,demerits,model,mileage . Always had torrent of inquiries before buying one and you were the most intelligent go to guy, for garnering car knowledge. Miss your scientific mentality my genius!!!

The most commendable quality of yours was your non complaining nature. Never found you grumbling,peeving condemning or whining about anyone or anything. You wouldn't even curse the weather. This resilience made you a tough warrior and you fought the big C with courage sans a frown or a moan. My mind is swarmed with a voyage of memories but not a single one is unsavoury except the havoc this disease wreaked on you..
I consider my self a bundle of jangled nerves who runs amok like a headless chicken and gets fidgety in times of crisis and stress but your non chalance and casual approach to life  left me stunned . You handled the most frenetic situation in life with calm and composure. You were never swayed by the opulence of life,were rather content with run of a mill kind .Never harboured any irresistible desires and tried to live with a sustainable life style.you were impeccable in everything.Miss you my cool and calm companion!!!

Everyone in your short life time greeted you with a beaming face and not a single soul shall be harbouring any grudge against you.

Grieving in stillness for the man I loved most and shall keep on loving till we meet the other side.


  1. True and heart touching story of your life.

  2. I am choked completely ..Beautifully penned,so overwhelming.

  3. Can't stop myself reading it over and over.Every word penned is realastic.

  4. God bless you! Just went through the post, every word is very touching and true. Revealed to me yet another aspect of your personality. Nodoubt he was a Sher and he was a Singh who went for his last sleep. All the best words are coined and no better emotions can describe the pain of loss. He must be a definite gain to the world we all have to go and an oasis of memories for all those he left here so suddenly.👏

  5. The void that he has left is difficult to fill.
    Beautiful written.

  6. Yaadein yaadein bus yaadein rah jati hai,,,,,,,,

  7. Yaadein yaadein bus yaadein rah jati hai,,,,,,,,

  8. यादें यो मुकम्मल जहां बनकर हस्ति पे छा जाती है।

  9. Dear Rekha, what a versaltile, intelligent, sensitive man doctor had been--there is so much we didn't know about him. My father cried when he heard the shocking news. He cried because doctor saab as, he calls him, has been so kind to my father. He visited to see him and advice medicines, to assure him that all was well. We have lost a kind soul.

    Rekha, this is what life is. We lose what we become attached to. The hole is in the heart is filled eternally only by the Lord--only He makes us whole. All else is transient and leaves us incomplete. That's what we need to internalize.

    Love stays. Channel your love to that which is highest. It's easier said than done, but do we have a choice?

  10. Heart touching story MayGod give you strength to bear the loss

  11. Wonderful mami.

    I was lucky enough to meet him last year in Jan and had a pleasure of having lunch with him. A noble soul. The way he guided me and helped me out, I shall never forget.

  12. Heart touching lines ...so well expressed . Life is but a dream !!


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